Bipolar is Notorious… (Daily Word Prompt is Notorious)

This post is filled with honest truth yet speaks of a survival that we all need sometimes. An understanding we should have for those suffering somehow. Read more great artistry on this blog…love it 😍😍

My Loud Whispers of Hope

Bipolar is notorious

and is not glorious,

but instead is hazardous

and can be dangerous

for reasons that are obvious

to others that me be curious,

of an illness

they do not

will not

and cannot


You cannot see the pain

that eats away my heart and soul

creating death to live inside me.

Only a beating heart placed inside a carcass

where living and breathing a breath of life

seems too difficult and painful for survival,

reaching the bottomless bottom of a deep dark pit of despair and sorrow,

only to somehow miraculously overcome that fall and deep dark grave,

to rapidly rise to an extreme floating hot air balloon swirling high

into the skies above and beyond anything imaginable

to a brain that is void of any mania or bipolar.

My brain, my racing rapid flying thoughts and ideas inside me,

encompassing and overtaking every inch of my…

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